Until The Guru Comes is dedicated to Yoga Gurus and all the other Gurus in our lives, whether: Famous, Infamous, Family, Friends, Doctors, Teachers, Wellness Professionals and Anyone else along the way, who made and make us who we are today. Until The Guru Comes Is Predicated On One Fact: We Are All Gurus. Imagination will take you wherever you want to go and it will allow you to be whoever you want to be! Harvest Your Energy, Shed Lethargy and Weight, Gain Happiness and Joy. Corporate, Group, Interactive and One-On-One, Lessons, Sessions and Mentoring in: YOGA, PILATES TAI CHI and QIGONG HEALTHY COOKING, Specializing in: Vegetarian, Vegan, Micro-nutrient, Gluten-free and Mindful eating. Look your best through Style & Wardrobe Updating, and more! |
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